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Studio to you

Welcome to Studio to you! A series of videos coming to you unedited straight from the groom room! Groomers Hilde and Sarah are passionate about helping you learn how to groom your dog from home and sharing some tips and tricks to everyday dog parent problems. We love your feedback and will always take ideas and topics for new videos on board, let us know what you want to learn by messaging us on Facebook/instagram or email us at

Episode One: Intro and Covid Info

Welcome to Studio to you! Hilde and Sarah introduce themselves and share some information about the studio and current covid regulations. 

Episode Two: Brush Walkthrough

Hilde explains different brushes and which is best for your dog! 

Episode Three (Part 1): Questions we often get as groomers

How often should I get my dog groomed? 
What can I do to sooth my dogs grooming anxiety?
How often should I brush my dog?
My dog doesn't like being brushed, what can I do?

Episode Three (Part 2): Questions we often get as groomers

Why does my dog have stains under their eyes?
Any tips on how to get my dog to like (or not totally dislike) getting their nails clipped?
What can you do if my dog is matted?
What things should I look for in a groomer?

Episode Four: Seperation Anxiety and adjusting your dog to post-covid life

Sarah and Abbie walk you through a few tips, tricks and products to help ease the stress of dog separation anxiety and chat about adjusting your pooch as we all go back to work!

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